Oques Grasses: Fruit del Deliri Tour


  • Bonvehí worked in the design and production of the Fruits del Deliri Tour by Oques Grasses.

    During the tour, the band will be presenting their last album: Fruits del Deliri

  • Stage and lighting design: Noxfera Std. & Oques Grasses

    Scenography: Pascualin Estructures

    Choreography: Dans Invitro

    Video: Xavier Gibert

    Live cameras: Pep Pujol & Ivó Oliveras

    Sound: Guillem & Joan Rota

    Backline: Ritxi Diéguez & Roger Colomer

    Material supplier: Araso, Punch & Tecnicom AV

    Special effects: Oh.fx

    Technical team: Roger Compte, Alejandro Molina and Jaume Sala

    Merchandising: Laia Tor & Raúl Torras

    Production and Administration: Bonvehi Arts & Events

    Tour Manager: Mercè Casas

    Management: Èxits management & Fourni Productions

    Photography: Gaspar Morer


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